A bathroom light we installed in Hoo, Kent

Much like many of our small jobs, our client values the service we offer which is much beyond unscrewing an old light, connecting the wires, and  screwing the new one up.

They like the fact we are highly reliable - we turn up when we say we will with above 95% attendance rate.
They like the fact we get creative and explore the best solutions for them - and when we put electrical installations in we do it in a way to make it look as aesthetically pleasing as we possibly can.
They like the fact we do the electrical checks we are meant to - that includes hunting for the electrical bonding to their water and gas supplies.
They like the fact that we have a good online presence, with lots of reviews, and have a warm fuzzy feeling we'll actually turn up to honour our guarantees if the light stops working whilst still under warranty.

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Teater title snippet (Title)
Small job: bathroom light installation