extra socket installed in Rochester
Original socket we extended power from for new socket

A common enquiry we get is for more and more sockets inside the property. And for good reason! The amount of electrical and electronic appliances and devices we have these days is well beyond what they could have imagined when the first electricians was wiring these properties some 10,20, even 30-40 years ago (and more!)

Properties built in the 1990s and later tend to have plasterboard construction, which can sometime be advantageous when we're doing electrical bits. It isn't guaranteed but generally there's a lot less mess (sometimes none!) and a lot less making good (again, sometimes none!) when we are installing new electrical accessories close by in a newer property.

In this example, the socket positioning is almost back to back from the original socket that was already there. We had to offset slightly because the depth of sockets would have clashed. But there we have it, a prime example of extra sockets with no to little making good.

We can install new sockets like this (and even in brickwork) at a maximum distance of approximately 15cm from eachother, or back to back, with no making good (as a general rule of thumb).

Feel free to enquire if you could do with an extra socket nearby without much mess!

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Extra socket in Rochester